min read
March 20, 2023

Say Ahhhh! The Benefits of Tongue Scraping

What is tongue scraping, its benefits, and how to incorporate it into your morning routine.

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In addition to brushing and flossing your teeth, there’s a third step you may want to add to your oral care routine: tongue scraping. After all, our tongues are responsible for so much - helping us taste, chew, swallow, and speak. So it’s important to give them the care and attention they deserve - a good scrape.

What is tongue scraping? 

Tongue scraping is an ancient practice that has started gaining traction for its ease and benefits. Tongue scraping removes food particles, bacteria, dead cells, and built up debris from the papillae (or taste buds) on the tongue. Typically tongue scraping is done in the morning with a small U-shaped tool designed for the task. By doing it first thing you’re able to remove any debris that formed overnight. 

Let’s talk benefits

Improves bad breath: Bad breath can be caused by a buildup of bacteria on the tongue. Tongue scraping can help to remove this bacteria leaving your mouth feeling fresh and your breath smelling better. It can be especially helpful for people who tend to eat a lot of fragrant foods, like garlic and onions. 

Promotes oral hygiene: By removing bacteria and debris from the tongue, you can reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

Enhances taste: The taste buds on the tongue can become covered with bacteria, which can affect your ability to taste food properly. By removing this buildup you can improve your taste perception and fully indulge.

Reduces risk of infection: A buildup of bacteria on the tongue can increase the risk of infection in the mouth and throat. Clearing the buildup regularly can lower the risk of infection in the mouth. 

How to scrape your tongue

  1. Choose a tongue scraper: Tongue scrapers come in a variety of materials, including metal, plastic, and bamboo (we prefer metal). Choose one that feels comfortable in your mouth and that is easy to maneuver.
  2. Say ahhhh: Stick your tongue out and position the scraper at the back of your tongue.
  3. Scrape: Gently scrape the surface of your tongue, moving the scraper back to tip 5-10 times.
  4. Rinse the scraper: After each scrape, rinse the scraper under running warm water to remove any debris (you'll know it when you see it). 

The bottom line: 

Take care of your tongue. Tongue scraping is a quick and easy addition to your morning routine that can lead to improved oral health. At The Lanby we take an integrative approach to primary care that brings health and wellness under one roof. Join The Lanby or book a consult call to learn more about our membership.

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